Participate in Worship

Praise Team
@ 9:00 Contemporary Service
Contemporary worship
Led by Adrian Ramirez
Want to sing or
play with the band?
Let us know!

Chancel and Handbell Choir
@ 11:00 Traditional Service
Media Team
The choir is accompanied by
an organ, piano, and led by
our choir director Nick Lopez.
Special music performed by
our Handbell Choir
throughout the year
Come join us!
Are you a motivated, committed, and enthusiastic person willing to
learn Propresenter, Facebook,
and live stream?
Be part of the Media team!
Volunteers Needed For The
Media Ministry Team
Please contact Media Director,
Ron Jorgensen
1. Volunteers to help run/create Pro-presenter Software Worship Slides for Sunday Services
2. Monitor (Email for more details)
3.Facebook (Tracking Prayer request and
chatting with live streamers)

Altar Flowers
Reservations are also located
on the Breeze Event Calendar
(Please get with church office
for username and password)
Wish To Sign Up For Altar Flowers?
Please complete the Connect Card information located in every Sunday bulletin. Drop connection card in the offering plate or you may also email flower request to
Please contact and place order with Greens and Things Florist, Portland, TX (361) 777-3759 after signing up with church office. Thank you!