Build-A-Home Mission
The Mission Ministry of FUMC is dedicated to connecting you with God’s mission
and inspiring you to passionately participate in delivering his message from across
the street to across the globe.
In its 17th year, BAH is a yearly Spring Break mission project of FUMC.
Funding is provided to build a simple home, complete with appliances and amenities for a deserving family in the former colonia of Penitas in the Rio Grande Valley.
We are a mission-minded, family-friendly church in action, reaching our neighbors with the life-changing love of Jesus Christ.

Pre-Build #1
Floor Boxes, Walls,
Stair Boxes & Painting
Saturday, February 1st
Pre-Build #2
Interior/Exterior Walls
Headers & Soffit
Saturday, February 15th
Pre-Build #3
Exterior Walls
Overhangs & Headers
Saturday, March 1st
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Breakfast & set-up begin at 8 am
All ages welcome at pre-builds in Portland. Breakfast and
lunch provided.